Sunday, December 2, 2007


Hey guys,

I've been researching carbon sequestration, and there's something called a 'Carbon Sink', which I think would be good to create within the wild growth area. A carbon sink is when a forest is managed as a plantation, and monitored to ensure that the the amount of carbon is constantly increasing and stored. We could proposed to create some sort of hybrid Carbon Sink/ Wild Growth area/ walking path that features information along the walking path about what constitutes a carbon sink and how the forest is encouraging carbon sequestration. The more photosynthesis a tree uses, the more carbon it sequesters, so we could also propose to harvest the forest, like a plantation, ensuring it doesn't get too dense, and maximizes the amount of sunlight each tree receives forcing it to sequester more carbon. A trees sequestration rate peaks at 20 yrs so by harvesting the trees then would be the most efficient sequestration with the fastest turn-over. The wood locks in the carbon it has sequestered after harvested, and we could team up with a furniture company to create sustainable furniture/cabinets etc. This would create a steadily monitored harvesting/ planting system, where we would replenish the forest and create a steady cycle of constant carbon sequestration and encourage the use of properly harvested trees. 

For the final presentation, we could present this information, as well as figure out how much area we have, and i've got some numbers that will tell us how much carbon we are sequestering. We can also go into the benefits of encouraging native plants/animals to grow and live there. Ideas?

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